In addition to our mid-week Life Groups and prayer meetings, we gather for worship every Sunday morning at Brick Memorial High School (2001 Lanes Mill Road) at 10:00. We’d love you to join us!
GOOD FRIDAY — Join us at the high school on March 29th at 6:00 PM. During this annual family service, we’ll reflect on the betrayal, arrest, torture, and death of Jesus Christ.
We mourn because it was our sin that took Christ to the cross, yet we call it Good Friday because through his death we’ve been set free.
Children are welcome.
We’ve added a service on EASTER SUNDAY. Join us at 9:30 or 11:00!
Join us for REFUEL — a one hour coffee house-style worship service on Thursday nights at 6:30. We’ll have refreshments, acoustic worship music, messages that cover pressing issues of our day, and a Q&A time following the message. Our young adults (ages 18-32) will break off to discuss the message together.
REFUEL runs for nine weeks — October 13th thru December 15th.
We meet at First Baptist Church of Manasquan. Childcare is provided.
CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS WITH US @ OUR ANNUAL EVE EVE SERVICE!  Bring your family, invite a friend, and join us for a special service as we celebrate the King who stepped into a baby to free us from the curse of this world. We’ll have a special kids Christmas video, a choir, a simple gospel message, and a party in the cafeteria afterward.
Join us this Saturday, December 23rd, @ 6:00PM at Brick Memorial High School. Bring the whole family!
NOTE: We will also gather on Christmas Eve (Sunday) at 10:00AM.
Every Sunday we create a loving and caring environment where children can discover God’s grand story! Each classroom is uniquely designed with your child in mind, so they experience the Bible in a creative and relevant way. Our kids join us in the main auditorium for the first 15 minutes of service before being dismissed to their age-appropriate classrooms.
(Parents are also welcome to keep their children with them in service)
We put the health and safety of the vulnerable ahead of benefits to the healthy. That’s why we’ve created Covid protocols.
Please read them to know what you can expect from us and what we expect of you.
Our Executive Team reviews and evaluates these protocols on a regular basis, updating them as the law allows and as we deem necessary. Thank you for your continued cooperation!
Going anywhere for the first time can be a little awkward. Our goal is to help you relax and enjoy your visit to True Life! Tap or hover over any question below to view its answer.