The fact that you found your way to this page matters to us. You matter to us. We don’t want you to slip through the cracks or feel overlooked. So whether you’re ready to jump into community or you’re still a bit reluctant, we want to help you discover what your next steps might be.
Our Next Steps Class is held on the first Sunday of each month right after service. We present our vision and values along with potential next steps you can take into the community here. Register below!
Explore the claims of the Christian faith, discover God’s great love, and grow as a follower of Jesus. Click here to learn more about these upcoming Bible Classes:
Do you have a question or comment for someone on our team? Send them an email below :)
Explore the claims of the Christian faith, discover God’s great love, and grow as a follower of Jesus!
Going somewhere for the first time is always easier when you know someone! One of us will be there to greet you and show you around.
Complete the form below and Pastor Rigo will be in touch with you this week!
Complete this short form and someone from our Kids Department will reach out to you this week!
Let us know which group you’re interested in, and we’ll put you in touch with its leader!
Let us know where you’d like to volunteer, and we’ll help you get started!
What are your next steps toward God and community?Find out in this important class!
We want to support you and your passion to bring the gospel of Jesus to the unreached!
Let us know which prayer gathering you’d like to attend, and we’ll put you in touch with its leader!
Rebecca will contact you this week to find out how we can best serve you and your family!
God is big. And he loves us. And he hears our prayers. How can we pray for you or someone you love?
We fast and pray together every Tuesday. Join us in asking God for big, bold, miracles!
This form will not be seen by our Pastoral Team but sent directly to Bill Robertson.
Do you have a question about something the Bible teaches or is silent on? Ask Pastor Rigo!
Register for our next baptism! Someone from our team will contact you with more details.
Whether you’re a teenager or a 20-something, we’d love you to be part of our community!
Let’s find the group that works best for you and your spouse. Get ready to build a better marriage!